Beyond Words - Artists


anita santesson

Producer, author, filmmaker from Sweden with a certain passion for Norse Myths

Becs pearson

I yearn to hear from different voices, quiet ones. How do we create the space and
conditions for these throats to bloom? Storytelling – the ultimate act of expression – is
the ideal vehicle to explore this.

joseph heywood

Born in Hawaii and raised in Utah, Joseph has one foot in the ocean and the other in the Rocky Mountains. So, he admits, his head is often in the clouds. His stories often include music, poetry, meditations, and guided visualizations. Listen to his stories to be transported and transformed.

kerima mohideen

Kerima is an activist storyteller and educator whose roots are in both South London and South Asia. Her performances are inspired by her social and environmental justice work and in particular by the communities on the frontlines of the resistance to corporate plunder of the Earth’s resources.

jenny lynne sessions aka Jen-iX

A Creative Catalyst for Change and Transformation. Immersed in the healing arts, for over thirty years. The wisdom of the elders underpins her work . She carries a sacred pipe, (Canupa) Heart felt connector, radio/tv presenter, shamanic healer, storyteller, fire walk instructor, transpersonal therapist, poet, author, speaker, channel for higher guidance and healing sound frequencies .

Hannah moore

Hannah is a traditional storyteller and facilitator with a background in community dance, theatre and events. She is also a Restorative Justice Practitioner and Community Mediator. Her work focuses on using traditional stories for community building and personal and professional development, as well as for the joy of imagination time for young and old!

lu orza

Lu is a storyteller and Quietude ® practitioner offering spiritual support and soul companionship to those coming towards end of life. Working with folktales, poems and songs, Lu opens a reflective and playful space to connect with our feelings about death, and what these mean for how we live.

loredana toader

I’m from Romania, but I’ve lived in London for the last 15 years. England feels like home. I’m a Kundalini yoga teacher and an energy healer. I love travelling, but in the last 4 years, I’ve been mostly travelling within. I want to use stories to connect with others and navigate, with courage and joy, the journey of finding ourselves and living a true life.

Lily redgrave

Travelling afar, from Aotearoa New Zealand, Lily is a Steiner teacher, artist and storyteller. She is here in the UK for the first time on an open-ended adventure searching for stories, connections and those precious moments that make one go ‘ahh, this is what life is all about’

lindsey jacobs

I was a teacher for twenty years: I said everything three times and nobody listened.
As a storyteller, I find youngsters actually seem pleased to see me.
And there’s no marking.

tehila kramer

Tehila grew up in the orthodox quarters of the ancient city of Jerusalem, steeped in stories that conveyed values and life teachings. After travelling extensively for some years she now lives in the UK where she recently graduated from the international
’storytelling beyond words’ course at Emerson college.

ingun roberts

I am Grandmother, and Weaver of tapestry - in wool and story. I live in Norway, BUT I was born in Wales. And so I am working intensively with Welsh legend and poetry, - as I wander and explore the North Wales shores, valleys and hills, - as I listen, see, and sing.

oliver perry

Olly Perry lives on a farm in Wiltshire, writing new stories and adapting old ones for storytelling. He can't claim any particular motive to his storytelling other than wishing to entertain and illuminate but the stories he tends to tell have deep currents of meaning about this human journey of ours. 

philip greenwood

Philip Greenwood is the founder and creative director of Sacred Earth Community Benefit Society, working through the medium of deep nature connection, earth wisdom and ancient healing practices and processes.