Oxford Storytelling Festival

Anti-Racism Policy

1. Introduction

The Oxford Storytelling Festival is committed to fostering a welcoming, inclusive, and diverse environment that celebrates the richness of all cultures and voices. As a platform for the sharing of stories, we recognize the power of narratives in shaping perspectives and understand the importance of promoting equity, respect, and understanding. This Anti-Racism Policy outlines our commitment to combating racism in all its forms and ensuring that our festival is a safe and inclusive space for everyone.

2. Statement of Commitment

The Oxford Storytelling Festival unequivocally condemns all forms of racism, discrimination, and prejudice. We are committed to actively working against racism by promoting anti-racist practices, challenging racist behaviors, and ensuring that all voices are valued and respected. We acknowledge that racism can be both overt and covert, and we strive to address both in our festival’s culture, programming, and operations.

3. Objectives

  • Promote Diversity and Inclusion: We aim to ensure that our programming, performers, staff, and audience reflect the diversity of our community and the broader society. We actively seek to include storytellers from underrepresented and marginalized groups.

  • Education and Awareness: We commit to providing ongoing education and training for our staff, volunteers, and partners on issues of racism, privilege, and unconscious bias. We will also provide resources and opportunities for our audience to engage in learning about anti-racism.

  • Safe and Respectful Environment: We are dedicated to creating a space where all participants feel safe and respected. Racist language, behavior, or actions will not be tolerated and will be addressed immediately and effectively.

4. Code of Conduct

  • Respect for All: All festival participants, including performers, staff, volunteers, and attendees, are expected to treat others with respect and dignity, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, or cultural background.

  • Zero Tolerance for Racism: Any form of racist behavior, including but not limited to racial slurs, discriminatory jokes, stereotyping, or exclusionary practices, is strictly prohibited. Any incidents of racism will be met with immediate action, which may include removal from the event and a ban from future participation.

  • Reporting Mechanism: We encourage anyone who experiences or witnesses racism at the festival to report it immediately to festival staff or volunteers. We are committed to responding to all reports with seriousness, confidentiality, and appropriate action.

5. Implementation and Accountability

  • Diversity in Leadership: We will strive to ensure that our festival leadership and decision-making bodies are diverse and inclusive, representing a wide range of perspectives and experiences.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation: We will regularly review and assess our practices, policies, and programming to ensure that they align with our anti-racism goals. This policy will be reviewed annually, and updates will be made as necessary.

  • Community Engagement: We are committed to engaging with and listening to the communities we serve, particularly those from marginalized and underrepresented groups. Feedback and suggestions will be actively sought and integrated into our ongoing work.

6. Conclusion

The Oxford Storytelling Festival is dedicated to being a leader in the fight against racism within the arts and cultural sector. Through our commitment to diversity, education, and accountability, we strive to create a festival that is truly inclusive and equitable for all. We invite our community to join us in this important work and to hold us accountable to these principles.

7. Contact Information

For questions, concerns, or to report an incident, please contact info@oxfordstorytellingfestival.co.uk. All reports will be handled with confidentiality and sensitivity.

Endorsed by: Rachel May  15th August 2024

This policy is a living document and will be reviewed regularly to ensure it remains relevant and effective.