help us make the magic of the oxford storytelling festival happen

We need you! Can you help us by welcoming people to the festival, serving food and drinks, directing traffic, keeping the site clean and tidy, or supporting the artists and public to really enjoy their time? Whatever your skills, there will be plenty to do. If you are dedicated, hardworking and enthusiastic, and passionate about stories and storytelling, you could be a perfect addition to our team. In return for your time and energy, you'll get a free weekend ticket for the Oxford Storytelling Festival. 

Last year’s Festival was amazing with such a great positive energy and we are looking forward to more of the same for 2024. We couldn’t do it without your support and we want you to enjoy the experience of both working with us and having free time over the weekend too. Please read the information sheet and get in touch if you have any further questions or concerns.  We look forward to welcoming you to our crew this summer.

Use the form below to sign up as a volunteer, and we'll also add you to our mailing list to get updates on volunteering opportunities. 

Data collected here will be kept securely, used only for the purposes of the 2023 festival and never passed on to any third party. If you have any questions regarding the use of your data, please get in touch.
